the Plan Session 12 – Part 4 of 4 (Apologetics 03/24/24)

Episode 24E12a – Session 12: the Plan (Part 1 of 4)

(Transcript from Dr. Kip Wehrman 03/24/2024)

Now my favorite, Science and the Bible. 

We talked about the hidden science in the Bible. There are so many sciences described and affirmed in the Bible.  No science discovery has debunked the Bible.

We talked about how archeology keeps finding evidence that supports the Bible, not contradicts it.  The more we find, the surer we are the Bible account can be trusted.

Then we put Naturalism and Christianity head-to-head as a challenge.  The naturalist worldview has many many gaps.

They accuse us of using “God of the gaps” arguments while they use “time of the gaps” or “random of the gaps” arguments as if those are more reasonable or plausible.

We also identified six points to remember if ever challenged that only Science can determine truth.

Science has no opinions, only Scientists do.  Just because someone with PhD claims something does not make it true.  I have two doctorates, that does not make me right or smart.  We must test every opinion with grace, intelligently, honestly and faithfully, then let the evidence lead wherever it does.

Science can’t explain Logic & Math.  Without logic and math, science would not be possible. Science presupposes these truths but can explain why we have them.

Science can’t explain Metaphysical (Awareness).  What is our mind?  What are memories? Intuition, etc. Science give us answers to these questions.

Science can’t explain Aesthetics (Beauty). Why do we perceive things as pretty and ugly? There is no scientific or evolutionary reason for our perceptions of beauty which cross cultural boundaries.

Science can’t explain Ethics (Morals).  Science cannot give us a basis for right and wrong.

Science can’t explain Science.  Naturalism uses arguments from outside of science as proof that only science exists. This is not a rational argument and fails the law of non-contradiction.

Darwin himself refuted his own theory in the Origin of the Species. “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”

Science has proven this over and over again. There are so many components of the cell which have no evolutionary successive, slight modification path into existence. Science has proved over and over again, Darwin’s theory has absolutely failed.  Yet the masses want this new religion of science to be true, so they do not have to think about consequences for their actions and facing God someday.  I don’t think intentional ignorance will change what is going to happen.

I actually think our minds are the best evidence for God.  We understand the anatomy of the brain.  The brains functions are amazing, but we don’t understand how memories are passed from one brain cell to another. Neurons fire and cells reproduce, yet we retain memories and thoughts beyond the life of our individual cells.  By the time we are 50 years old, every one of our brain cells has been replaced at least once.  But we still have memories from childhood.  Maybe even science class.  There is no science to explain this.

I come back to the quote from the former head of the Godard Space Institute, Robert Jastrow, “for the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream.  He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; He is about to conquer the highest peak; As he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

What does the full picture look like.  Our Christian worldview is like a pyramid or building.

We use Reason and Logic along with Information and Data to evaluate our world and our experiences. We use them with logical tools like the law of non-contradiction. Which leads us to truth.  Objective truth.  This is the foundation of everything. And we know truth is a person, Jesus.

We use arguments like beginnings, design and morals as a basis for God.  Science and the evil in this world point point to only one logical and reasonable conclusion. There must be a God.

We have great evidence that we can trust the Bible as the word of God. This means the supernatural is possible including miracles and prophecy fulfilled.

This all leads us to the person of Jesus and the resurrection point us to the God of Christianity.

It is very important for use to remember, that when we engage people at church, at the store, on the job, and in our communities, we must discover what level their understanding is at before we engage with the Bible.  Ask questions, challenge false truth claims, then slowly and methodically start at the foundational level they are at.  Only then can we help them to build the Christian Worldview brick-by-brick. We are not trying to deceive them into believing, we care for them and want the best for them. When we take the time and help them build the missing pieces of their worldview, we are doing for them what Jesus wants for them. God’s bigger and better life, right now.

That is how to defend our faith.  It is God’s plan specifically for us.  Are you ready for battle?  I am.

Not everyone is going to accept our logic and reason, or our evidences and proofs.  That is okay.  We pray for them and we love them.  We stand in the gap because God asked us to.  We are the ones that must choose to answer the call of Jesus in obedience or fail in our mission.

Just remember, we win.  We win down here.  In fact, Jesus already won.  My king is king of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I follow Jesus because of who He is, not what I hope to avoid or what I hope to get.  Jesus is worthy.

Let’s close and pray. 

Thank you and God’s Blessing my friends.

This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 12: the Plan

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