Evidence for God Session 5: Part 3 of 4 (Apologetics 02/04/24)

Episode 24E05c– How to Defend your Faith Session 5: Evidence for God (Part 3 of 4)

Teleological Argument (Written by Dr. Kip Wehrman 02/04/2024)

Next let’s look at the personal level, Life.  This is the big one everyone is always talking about origin of life.

This is what Darwin thought of the cell.  Simple cytoplasm, membrane and nucleus. 

 “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. –Darwin Origin of Species.  

But what Darwin did not know was how complex the simple cell really is.

All of these complex components must be in place for a cell to live… not one at time via random mutation or stepwise evolution.  All have to simultaneously come into existence at the very same time for life to have a chance. 

And even if you have all the components, we have no idea how to bridge the gap from chemistry to life.  None of the steps have been done in any lab despite the salacious claims we often hear.  Origin of life research gets further and further away from a solution the more Science learns.  And it’s actually way more complicated than this.  Look at the complexity in a single animal cell.  Remove any of these components and the cell dies.  If you take all of the components out of a cell and try to rebuild a cell from a cell, it still fails.  Even given all the components in the purest possible forms, no one has ever got anywhere close to making life.  And science has no idea how to make the component compounds simultaneously in enough purity to build the simplest of these components.

What about plant cells.  Plant cells are extremely complex because they are energy producers not just energy consumers.  No cell wall, the plant has no structure.  No chloroplast, the plant can’t make its own fuel from sunlight, water, Carbon Dioxide and minerals.  Which part of this cell came first from an evolutionary

perspective.  Every part is needed or the plant dies.  It cannot be simplified into fewer parts and still be viable.  Remember what Darwin said about his own theory.  Plant cells are too complex and interdependent to evolve using Darwin’s theories.  Animal cells are even more complex and interdependent on so many internal components, Darwin’s theory breaks down by Darwin’s own admission.

High School Biology.  Even my kids in 3rd and 5th grades have learned about consumers and producers.  Producers make sugars from sunlight, water, Carbon Dioxide and minerals.  This is the process of Photosynthesis.  How does this process evolve.  What part comes first? 

To be fair there are some organisms that produce sugars using Chemosynthesis. 

This usually requires heat from thermal vents, minerals from surroundings usually in water, and carbon dioxide.  You find organisms like this deep in the oceans Atopic region where sunlight cannot penetrate.  These are few, but they do exist.  Evolution cannot explain how they got there, or why this chemical pathway exists.  The evolutionist cannot reproduce this process outside of these amazing organisms either.  They can imagine ways that it could happen, but every test fails.  What does science do with theories which fail every test attempting to support them.  Science rejects such false theories as not being scientifically sound.

Let’s look closer at photosynthesis.  It is not simple.  How could an organism evolve to produce sugars, which steps would lead to such an evolution.  If the organism did not start as a producers, then how could it survive.  Plants are very complex.  But the evolutionist will not be phased, They say think smaller.

This is one of the simplest known organisms, the ameba.  But it’s not simple at all. 

his is an incredibly complex organism with complex genetic information, complex subcellular parts with all must be present for an ameba to live.

This is an incredibly complex organism with complex genetic information, complex subcellular parts with all must be present for an ameba to live.  And more importantly, an ameba does not produce its own food.  It needs producers and other organisms to provide the food or fuel it needs to survive.  So, the evolutionary trail could not begin with this complex dependent organism.   They will say look smaller.

What about something simpler like bacteria.  This is e-coli.  Scientists have been trying to artificially induce mutations in e-coli for decades and nothing meaningful has happened.  Mutations almost always lead to loss of genetic information, not new genetic information.  Mutations with apparent new genetics information, result in the death or loss of viability.  There have been no new bacteria types made via random mutation observed by science.  And they have been trying.   Fact about mutations,  must mutations either don’t change function at all or when they change function it results in death or less viable cells.  

The only genetic research that has seen function modifications is not be completely honest.  They have selectively bred and replicated already existing traits, not new traits.   Mutation results in loss of viable genetic information, not new useful information.   I know we can imagine it could and there are lots of Sci-Fi writers who have imagined it.  But sadly, many scientists are using Sci-Fi concepts as a basis for their theories without any scientific evidence to support them.

In reality bacteria are incredibly complex and have components that cannot not have arisen in sequential stepwise evolution.  An Example is the Flagella.

The Flagella is an amazing micro machine motor made out of many unique components.  The components look like a rotary engine, but humans did not invent them until the 1900’s.  Each component of this little micro engine is very complex and without anyone of the components, the engine would not work.  The bacteria could not move.  The bacteria, if it existed without a flagellum would very quickly die.  There are no observed intermediate states of bacteria.  Only fully developed with all the complexity you see.

In fact bacteria have other amazing micro machines like this injectosome.  Accidental simultaneous random chance or design.  What do you think?

This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 5: Evidence for God Teleological Argument (Part 3 of 4)

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