Hello my friends.  Thanks for joining me today for an @ the PUNLA coffee table.

I was reading my bible recently and it hit me, the Zombie Apocalypse was first written about in the Bible.  

Okay I realize Zombie is associated with Voodoo not Christian beliefs but what is a Zombie.  Well simply put a Zombie is dead body reanimate or supernaturally brought back to life.  These are resurrections per say.  But dead bodies brought back to life.   Apocalypse, well we always think catastrophe or the end of the world.  But, Apocalypse comes from the Greek word which means to uncover, reveal, disclose.  Literally, to make something known.  So, literally a Zombie Apocalypse could be making something known about dead bodies being supernaturally brought back to life.

I actually had two bible passages in mind Ezekiel Chapter 37 and Matthew 27 

Let’s read Matthew 27:50-53 (NKJV) 50And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. 51Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, 52and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; 53and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

In all seriousness this scripture makes me cry.  My Lord has been tortured and killed, and at the moment of His death, Matthew reports some supernatural events.  Before Jesus dies, the sky went dark, then at His death the veil in the temple is torn from top to bottom, earthquakes, rocks split.  Oh yeah, then the Zombie Apocalypse or sort of.

The graves are opened and many of the saints who were dead are raised.  They come out of their graves and enter the city and appear to many.  Matthew appears to be telling us that the bodies of dead people are made alive.  They actually go into the city and appear to people.  Not ghosts but dead people made alive.

In seriousness, this scripture has baffled scholars for centuries.  We don’t have any extra biblical support for this event.  That does not mean it did not happen, but it also could mean this is symbolic like being born again in Christ.  There is no doubt you could explain these events as literal.  The veil torn, the rocks split, earthquakes and dead people walking around.  Very well could have happened just the way the story says in the Bible.  But again, no extra biblical sources tell us of the veil literally tearing or rocks literally splitting or dead people actually walking around.  So, it could be symbolic but does it really matter.  Jesus died for you and me.  He paid the price for my sins and yours.  Whether literally or figuratively, His death torn the veil between the holy of holies and us.  Jesus made a way for us to have a personal relationship with God.  He made a way for our sins to be forgiven and replaced with the righteousness of Jesus. 

Did dead people actually come out of their tombs and visit people in Jerusalem. Why not.  I’m sure not going to limit what God could or could not do.  God’s God, I’m confident He can do anything He wants to do. 

So, for a moment let’s assume dead people came alive at the death of Jesus and went into the city after Jesus’ resurrection.  Then what.   Well, it’s not really important.  God did not think it was important enough to tell us.  For sure if they were raise from the dead, then they died again.  This was not the resurrection spoken of in Revelation.  Jesus was the first fruit of the resurrection of the dead.  That’s what the Bible tells us. 

Thank you for joining me @ the PUNLA Coffee Table today.   I hope that by me having a little fun has not offending anyone, that was not my intent.  I hoped that by having a little fun with the scriptures, a little fun with some words, we might be able to bring our focus back to Jesus.  Jesus is the main character in the Bible.  The story is about God.  This is just one of the many amazing and entertaining stories in the Bible. 

See you next time @ the PUNLA Coffee Table. God bless.

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