Worldview & You Session 2 : Part 4 of 4 (Apologetics 01/14/24)

Episode 24E02d – How to Defend your Faith Session 2: Worldview & You (Part 4 or 4)

(Written by Dr. Kip Wehrman 01/14/2024)

What is Values or Morals

What about values or morals.  What is right and what is wrong?

Monotheism says God has given humans a conscience to know right from wrong.

Deism says Humans find the self-evident rights and wrongs by reason and free inquiry.

Naturalism. There are no ethical absolutes. Social group consensus determines right & wrong.

Nihilism Traditional morals should be challenged or destroyed.

Existentialism Morally good behavior is just a cultural conformity. Humans find morals in doing what makes one’s own existence meaningful.

Pantheism. Humans should build up good “karma” by behaving in accordance with their nature.

What about the livability.  Deism reason.  This does not work and the world is full of examples I guess you can live that out.  Monotheism. God. Definitely livable.  Naturalism. Social norms.  if you look across cultures this is simply not true..  Nihilism. None or nothing.  Obviously no one lives this way truly.  Existentialism.  Meaningless.  Well they don’t feel that way if their car is stolen or they get cheated. And pantheism. karma.  who and what decides what karma is.  They have no basis for good and bad from the concept of karma.

What about origins.  Where did I come from?

Monotheism says Humans created by God to be in relationship with Him.

Deism says God created the cosmos to run on its own. Humans were also created by the impersonal God.

Naturalism. The universe exploded into existence.  Everything from nothing.

Nihilism History & science are unreliable. Humanity’s origin is unknowable.

Existentialism Where we came from is irrelevant. God or no God does not matter.

Pantheism. Humans are souls that continually reincarnate.  Reincarnation means “to be made flesh again.”

What about the livability.  Deism the cosmos.  Monotheism. God. Naturalism is evolution.  Nihilism. We can’t know. Existentialism.  It’s irrelevant. And pantheism is reincarnation.  Well I guess all of these are livable but some seem like nonsense.

What about purpose.  Why am I here?

Monotheism says Humans derive meaning from their relational Creator.

Deism says Humans use intelligence, conscience, community, and creativity to find meaning in nature.

Naturalists will say that Humans find meaning in progress and advancement.

Nihilism Humans must challenge traditional meanings.

Existentialism No objective meaning exists. Humans must invent their own reason for being.

Pantheism. Humans find meaning in becoming one with the universe.

What about the livability.  Deism the nature.   how can you draw a purpose from nature.  Monotheism. Relationship with God. Sounds like a purpose.  Naturalism says progress. I’m not sure how people would judge this, maybe human flourishing, well maybe.  Nihilism. nothing.  well, I don’t think nothing can be a purpose. Existentialism.  I choose.  I know a lot of people that think they can, but they all fail.  But I guess they try to live it. And pantheism has oneness.  Which you can’t do.  By trying you are not doing it, so you can’t live it.

I will go quickly through the rest of these. 

What about death. 

Monotheism says eternity. Deism says  you can’t know. Naturalists say death is it, the end. Nihilism says nothing, which is ridiculous. Existentialism  you will be forgotten. Pantheism. The oneness thing again.  Okay most can be lived out.

What about awareness or our mind

Monotheism says we have a mind and awareness because we are made in the image of our creator God with an eternal soul. Deism says  reason.  Our awareness or mind is designed by god to reason and perceive the world around us. Naturalists say there is no mind only chemical reactions.  Nihilism says nothing.  which is ridiculous. Existentialism  you will be forgotten. Pantheism. The oneness thing again.  Only Monotheism can actually be lived out.

What about history or what has come before us. 

Monotheism says eternity. Deism says nature. Naturalists say scientific method. Nihilism says nothing. Of course. Existentialism  you can’t know its unreliable. Pantheism. History repeats itself again and again.  Okay most cannot be lived out.  

What do we know for certain about history.  I know its at least 56 years, or I guess my parents are 88 this year.  Or I guess I knew my grandparents therefore history is at least 100 plus years.  But we genuinely believe there is reliable evidence for history and times past and we anticipate a future.   No matter your worldview, this is true.  This is why most worldviews fail to reflect how people seem to believe about history.. 

Because we believe.   It is really HIS Story after all.

Here is a summary table just looking at the livability test.  As you can see just using one of the elements of A.R.R.O.W. will differentiate the worldviews.  That is livability.  It is very hard for these other worldviews to provide relevance or consistency arguments.  The number of presuppositions and bias, as well as, reliability of the sources makes these worldview almost impossible to actually live, talk and work on a daily basis.  In every case, they borrow from our Christian worldview to fill the gaps in their worldviews so that they can live in society, have goals, work, love, and cope.

Now this is just for you.  You should not use this against someone’s worldview but what it does is allows us to prepare to ask questions about the parts of their worldview that do not make sense to us.  And hopefully they will ask how our worldview handles those same problems.

Okay so why do people call on “the crazy Christians” when they are really in trouble.  Okay, Life has happened you need some help or comfort or both from a good friend. 

  • Do you call your pantheist friend.  Who says just empty yourself of your attachment to what is bothering  you.  Are you kidding me?
  • What about an existentialist friend.   They tell you your problems are meaningless.  Ouch. Okay not them.
  • Nihilist.  Oh its nothing bro.  Nope   
  • Naturalist.  You’re just dancing in your DNA.  Well, no 
  • Deist.  Toughen up buttercup that is just how the world goes.   Not very helpful.
  • Monotheist.  You are important to God.  That’s better. But which monotheist

What is the difference between the three monotheisms.

  • Judaism would tell you have sinned and God must be punishing you.  Its Your Fault 
  • Islam, God is angry with you. Better find a way to appease God
  • Christian, God Cares.  God wants the very best for you despite what you are going through right now.  

You tell me which worldview is your best friend in times of trouble.

Here is the Title slide for Next time….Truth, Goodness and Beauty.  Is there evidence that there is an objective basis for truth?  In there an objective standard for Goodness or Moral and Ethics?  Is there an objective basis for Aesthetics or beauty?  Yes there is and we will discuss this evidence next time with some more of the application side.

Don’t forget if you do have questions you would like discussed email me at

I want to have this song in your mind as consider what we have talked today. 

Crazy Christians by Brad Paisley.

When your friend is in trouble, who will they call.  A Crazy Christian most likely

Let’s close and pray. 

Thank you and God’s Blessing my friends.

This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 2: Worldview & You (Part 4 of 4)

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