23V25 – Simple Strategies for Spiritual Warfare (Book Review)
(written by Dr. Kip Wehrman 07/28/2023)
Hello my friends. Thanks for joining me today for an @ the PUNLA coffee table. I would like to share with you a book I read by Harold Hunter “Simple Strategies for Spiritual Warfare”. I to share this with you as a potential resource that at least some of you might be interested in.
Let’s Pray.
Chapter One : How to View the Bible
Simple Strategies for Spiritual Warfare by Harold Hunter begins by saying, “Every conflict in the human experience demands an authoritative procedure if success is to be enjoyed. No less is that true in the realm of spiritual warfare.” Chapter one addresses how we should view the Bible. It is no surprise that Satan attacks the trustworthiness of Scripture. Dr. Hunter discusses several accounts in the Bible where Satan did this. Dr. Hunter uses examples like man landing on the moon and Darwin’s theory of evolution of ways Satan tries to create doubt in the word of God. S+W=L Spirit plus Word equals Light. This formula is used through out the Bible from Genesis 1 onward. Hunter defends the importance of Genesis with three reason, symbolic, savior, and salvation.
Chapter Two : How to Have Assurance of Salvation
Chapter two addresses how to have assurance of salvation. Dr. Hunter begins, “If a poll is ever taken to determine the most frequently asked question among those of the Christian community, there is little doubt about what that question will be, namely, ‘How can I be sure that I have really been saved, that I have truly been born again?’” Assurance of one’s salvation is at the heart of our relationship with God. Salvation is initiated by the Holy Spirit. Understanding and remembering our salvation experience is important to determining the Biblical commitment that a believer has made. Next we must recognize that salvation is dependent solely upon the imputed righteousness of Christ. Dr. Hunter uses Romans, 1 Corinthians, and Ephesians to illustrate this point. The gospel is not intended to be “easy believism” but rather salvation comes by calling upon the Lord. Open, public and verbal communication of our faith in Jesus. Another part of our assurance comes in that salvation brings sorrow for committed sin. This means as child of God we are convicted by the Holy Spirit when we sin. Our salvation results in a new nature. We stop acting the way we did before our salvation experience and instead live and act more and more like Christ. Salvation is proven by the keeping of God’s commandments. 1 John 2:3, “and by this we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.” Salvation is also proven love for the church. 1 John 3:14, “we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” Salvation is also proven by sincere belief that Jesus is God’s son. 1 John 4:15, “Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.” Hunter then asks, how secure is Salvation?
Chapter Three : How to Know the Will of God
Chapter three addresses how to know the will of God. Dr. Hunter describes how many Christians are confused and perplexed about this topic. Anxious believers deserve to have their questions answered so our walk in the Spirit can be more determined and resolved. Dr. Hunter uses the formula P+T=W. “P” for present your bodies plus “T” for transform your minds equals “W” or will of God. The presentation of the body means conforming to Christ with our body. The priorities of a Christian life are different than what desires of our bodies might be. Our bodies are living sacrifices, meaning we choose to do what Christ wants us to do. Another part of this is the transformation of the mind. As a Christ follower our mind is focused on God’s will not our old selfish will. After a believer presents their body as a living sacrifice and their mind is transformed, then we can understand the will of God for our life. Dr. Hunter discusses how God’s will is a permissive will. God allows us to choose not to obey. God does not endorse our decision, but He also does not enforce His will. The principle should always be “I am: I will.” This means ”I am” or God’s will first and our answer to God must be I will.
Chapter Four : How to Overcome Temptations
Chapter four addresses how to overcome temptations. The journey for a believer is treacherous, and it only begins with the salvation experience. There are three areas of combat: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life. Hunter asks, “who bears the responsibility for sin?” We should not underestimate the power of Satan’s attacks. We can overcome temptation by using the method that Jesus used in the Bible. Knowledge and application of Scriptures prepares us to resist temptation. Dr. Hunter follows with a discussion of how each kind of temptation attacks a different stage in the believer’s life. Hunter then discusses positional Christianity in warfare as “something to know,” “something to reckon,” and “something to yield.”. He uses Romans as an illustration of overcoming a temptation. Romans 6:6 Knowing, Romans 6:11 Reckoning, and Romans 6:13 Yielding.
Chapter Five : How to Pray for an Unsaved Loved One
Chapter five addresses how to pray for an unsaved loved one. Step one is to recognize that the unsaved person is spiritually blind. Step one is not only that you understand the blinded position of your loved one but that you can be part of releasing them into spiritual sight. So be patient. Step two is to deal with sin in your life first. Step three is to examine the scripture to learn the mind of God about your lost loved one’s most dominant sin. This requires direct and intentional study. You must determine what that blinding sin is. Step four begins by asking the Lord to redirect the attacks of sin away from your unsaved loved one and to yourself.
Chapter Six : How to Seek Bodily Healing
Chapter six addresses how to seek bodily healing. Dr. Hunter states that “divine healing is certainly a valid Bible doctrine for today’s world.” Hunter is not referencing the health and wealth preaching of today. Sin may be causing our suffering. Sin both directly and indirectly causes sickness. When a Christian sins, the Holy Spirit convicts him to the urgent need for repentance. The devil may be the cause of our suffering and illness. The Lord may be the cause of suffering and illness. God allows sickness so that He may receive more glory. God’s power is made manifest in our weakness. Dr. Hunter then discusses the pattern of prayer for healing. First we need to recognize that the Bible does not teach that God heals everyone, but it is clear about the compassion God has for the sick. James 5 provides us with a way to pray for the sick.
Chapter Seven : How to Live in the Power of the Spirit
Chapter seven addresses how to live in the power of the spirit. Dr. Hunter states that, “one of the most amazing Bible facts is that every believer has just as much of God’s presence in his life as does any other.’ And that includes the great Christian leaders of the past like, Peter, Paul, James, John, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Dwight Moody and others. Each of us have just as much God as each of these great leaders. The question Hunter asks, is does God have as much of you and these great leaders. We have all been baptized by the Holy ghost. Romans 8:9, “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God indwell you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” Baptism of the Holy Spirit happens at our salvation experience when the Holy Spirit comes into the believer’s life. Our life as a believer has become the temple of God. The Holy Spirit resides in us. However, the Spirit is not always allowed to preside in the life of a believer. We must allow our life to be filled with Holy Spirit. It is critical to understand what the filling of the Spirit means. It means we have yielded authority of our life to the Spirit’s control. The Holy Spirit must be welcomed into every part of a believer’s life. There can be no off-limits areas. This is closely connected to our issues of sin and our willingness to be Spirit-filled. Holy Spirit living is making God’s desires our primary motivation and first priority. Dr. Hunter then uses Bible stories to demonstrate these points: Gideon’s story in Judges chapter 6 and the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kings Chapter 17. The kingdom of God is the entire sphere of our Lord’s influence where all beings voluntarily choose to serve God. Therefore, in this age, every person who wishes to enjoy God’s blessings must first put their faith in Jesus as Lord and thereby be infused with His Spirit.
Let’s Pray.
I liked this book. It is heavy on the Seminary jargon, but it does provide some good outlines for addressing these various issues. I personally really like William Land Craig. If you are interested in these topics, then this would be a great book for you.
Thank you for joining me @ the PUNLA Coffee Table today, I hope you’ll join us again. If you liked the message, please share the link with a friend. Send me comments, my email should be on the screen.
Until next time @ the PUNLA Coffee Table. God bless.