Science & the Bible (Naturalism vs Christianity) Session 11 – Part 4 of 5 (Apologetics 03/17/24)

Episode 24E11d– Session 11: Science & the Bible (Naturalism vs Christianity Part 4 of 5)

(Transcript from Dr. Kip Wehrman 03/17/2024)

Darwin of the gaps (40s).  The point is there are gaps in our understanding no matter how smart or how many degrees we have we can God or no God But only God is a plausible explanation for the impossible.

I want to share one more video with you.  I recommend searching for Discovery Science on YouTube.  One of the things that Darwin used to support his theory was Homology.  Homology is the idea that apparently similar part points us to a common ancestor or common designer.  I think you’ll like this. (Video 8min)

So homology and genetic similarity don’t really point to common ancestor and scientists know this.  If it did the path would be consistent but instead it is more random.  It looks more like a common designer using components that work well consistently. 

And we could go into more details about DNA.

Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft says, “DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.”

And Bill did not understand the half of it.  Information is the complexity that evolution does not explain.  The overlaying layers of information is beyond random mutating natural selection.  These are purposeful, they need the proteins, the DNA, the RNA, the peptides, the amino acids.   All of these carry information that works together to replicate life.  This is life at all level of living organisms from the human to the bacteria.

This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 11: Science & the Bible (Naturalism vs Christianity Part 4 of 5)

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