Science & the Bible (Naturalism vs Christianity) Session 11 – Part 3 of 5 (Apologetics 03/17/24)

Episode 24E11c– Session 11: Science & the Bible (Naturalism vs Christianity Part 3 of 5)

Bible Archeology

(Transcript from Dr. Kip Wehrman 03/17/2024)

Next Evolution.  This is what Darwin knew about the simple cell.

Darwin said in his book Origin of Species, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”

In fairness to Darwin, he went on to say he did not know of any examples of this and thus there is none.

Dr. Michael Behe uses the example of a mouse trap as an object lesson to demonstrate the absolute break down of Darwin’s theory. If you remove any single component, the mouse trap does not work. There is no stepwise changes that would have obvious function. (Video 4min)

Now critics of intelligent design always quote the Dover Trial as ending this debate.  In December 2004 the ACLU sued Dover Pennsylvania School district to remove teaching of intelligent design form classrooms as an alternative to evolution.  The ACLU won the decision.  But this did not end the debate because a judge in Pennsylvania thought one religious idea should be taught and the other should not.  Naturalism is a godless religion, intelligent design is just not evolution  It sure is not Christianity.  But of course we do believe in the form of intelligent design. The Dover Trial proved nothing about the debate only that some religious people like Christians and Jews and Muslims and many others believe in a intelligent design from a intelligent designer.

This was religious persecution and should never have been heard in an American court.  The State is to be separated from interfering in religious affairs, yet they instead imposed their religious views on the student and parents of the Dover school system.  It was a sad day.

This was religious persecution and should never have been heard in an American court.  The State is to be separated from interfering in religious affairs, yet they instead imposed their religious views are the student and parents of the Dover school system.  It was a sad day.

So this is just a high level look at the complexity of a cell, that Darwin did not know. 

Now the naturalist says that Behe was debunked.  Opinions with no evidence, is not debunking its hearsay at best.  Not science just because it is said or done by a scientist.  I have two doctorates. One in Chemical Engineering.  I have learned and done lots of chemistry.  This is a scientist choosing their belief in a godless religion but it does not provide any evidence.

All roads lead to God, if you are only willing to follow the evidence wherever it takes you. 

Okay that is sub-cellular level complexity.  We can’t make any of this stuff in a laboratory, only inside living cells. And I have to be honest this is not even the most complex stuff.  Random incremental mutations and natural selection or intelligent design.

Okay that is sub-cellular level complexity.  We can’t make any of this stuff in a laboratory, only inside living cells. And I have to be honest this is not even the most complex stuff.  Random incremental mutations and natural selection or intelligent design.

Okay that is animal cells, what about plant cells.  They are even more complicated because they produce food, not just consume it.

The life level of our review has been interesting but there is a simple problem that no one seems to talk about but anyone who has had High School biology should know. 

This is the concept of producers and consumers.  A consumer consumes energy made by other living things.  A producer produces food for itself and is often eaten to provide energy for other living things.

Producers take energy from the environment either light or chemical and make food, sugars.  Photosynthesis is the primary way this is done.  Although Chemosynthesis is found it is very rare and it is in itself very difficult to explain chemosynthesis by evolution.  So, I won’t. 

High school biology teaches us that plants or producers use energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and other minerals to make sugars that can be used by the plant or by other consumer organisms. 

Watch this amazing video from Smart Biology. This shows the complexity of respiration first, then photosynthesis. (video 2min)

So what part came first.  There are no theories on the process only “it happened”  What was first, what were the steps. 

How do we get producers and consumers in the evolutionary model.  Producing is an advanced mechanism for life needing many many components.  So if the first cell could not be a producer, then what did it feed on for energy.  Getting the first cell is only the beginning, to sustain life a living organism must get energy from its environment.  Evolution does not explain this, nor can it.

This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 11: Science & the Bible (Naturalism vs Christianity Part 3 of 5)

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