October 2023 Student Update – Complete Peace


23Z10 October Student Update – Complete Peace

(Written by Dr. Kip Wehrman 09/29/2023)

Hello my friends.  I want to thank those of you how joined us for our Scholar’s Table meeting.  It was great to see your faces and have a chance to talk with you.

We hope to see you while we are in the Philippines, check with your pastor to find out when and where we will be in your area.

First, order of business.  Let’s Pray. 

We had 269 new students apply to our program this year.  I want to say wow.  Officially there are 122 returning students this year and you will be joined by 58 new PUNLA Scholars bringing our program to a total of 180 Scholars.  Additionally, we have approved 100 waitlist students.  What waitlist means is if you attend church and submit all your requirements first semester, then you will automatically be added to our program for 2nd semester.  That would bring our numbers to 280 scholars.  

On Saturday morning we will have our monthly virtual meeting the Scholar’s Table.  Joy will be hosting you.  You will be asked to introduce yourself.  When called on, turn on your camera and speak confidently in English.  A short introduction, name, major, church, year in college and school attending.   There will be a Q&A time, as well.  Please take advantage of this opportunity.  It is an excellent opportunity to practice your English skills for future jobs.

You need to watch these videos and check your email at least one time per week. 

If you have any questions about faith or life, send me the questions to quetions@punla.org.  This is completely confidential, I will not share your name, only your question.

I need everyone to sign up for our YouTube channel is Punla Christian Ministries – YouTube.  This is a requirement of our program.  You need to sign up on our YouTube channel to follow our channel and select the notification bell so you will be notified when new content is posted.  Then you need to watch the videos or listen to the podcasts as they are posted. 

If you are having trouble viewing the videos because of poor internet connections, you also can download MP3 podcasts or PDF versions of every message on our website PUNLA Coffee Table – Jesus! Bible! Life! Let’s talk about it! (www.punlacoffeetable.org)

Enough of business.

I want to share something cool I just learned in the Bible. Let me read one of my favorite verses in the Bible Jerimiah 29:11-13 (NIV)  11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

I was studying this scripture recently.  I was looking at the original language Hebrew manuscript.  I was surprised to discover that the phrase “prosper you and not to harm you.” Was in fact a single Hebrew word, ShalovmShalovm means a complete peace. So, this scripture could be read as “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for complete peace and a future hope.”  Of course, I know I took this scripture out of context a little bit.  Jerimiah was speaking to those in Jerusalem who would be conquered, destroyed, and enslaved by Babylon.  But I believe this passage is speaking to us of the Character of God.  God knows what you are going through.  God knows the plans He has for you.  God’s plans are for you to have a complete peace and a future hope no matter what we are facing in our life. 

Let’s Pray. 

Let me leave you with this.   If what you are facing seems impossible, please remember God cares for you.  God has plans for you and if you trust God you will experience an amazing complete peace that can only come from God.  Through Jesus we have a future hope that only Christians have..

I am so glad we have this time together each month.  Don’t fear anything in this world.  Jesus is the king of this world and as such we should fear nothing.  I Love you and l am proud of you.  God’s Blessings. 

Kip Wehrman, Th.D., Ph.D., P.E.

Managing Director

PUNLA Christian Ministries

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