November 2023 Student Update – Power of Prayer

23Z11 November Student Update

Hello my friends.  I want to remind you to joined us for our Scholar’s Table meeting this Saturday morning. 

First, order of business.  Let’s Pray. 

On Saturday morning we will have our monthly virtual meeting the Scholar’s Table.    You will be asked to introduce yourself.  When called on, turn on your camera and speak confidently in English.  A short introduction, name, major, church, year in college and school attending.   There will be a Q&A time, as well.  Please take advantage of this opportunity.  It is an excellent opportunity to practice your English skills for future jobs.

You need to watch these videos and check your email at least one time per week. 

If you have any questions about faith or life, send me the questions to  This is completely confidential, I will not share your name, only your question.

I need everyone to sign up for our YouTube channel is Punla Christian Ministries – YouTube.  This is a requirement of our program.  You need to sign up on our YouTube channel to follow our channel and select the notification bell so you will be notified when new content is posted.  Then you need to watch the videos or listen to the podcasts as they are posted. 

If you are having trouble viewing the videos because of poor internet connections, you also can download MP3 podcasts or PDF versions of every message on our website PUNLA Coffee Table – Jesus! Bible! Life! Let’s talk about it! (

Enough of business.

I’m not going to do a formal Bible study like we normally do this month.  I want to just talk for a few moments with you.  I’ve been suffering with a back issue for a while.  God was very merciful and I was okay while in the Philippines but since I got back it’s been bad again.  I can’t move very well and it hurts a lot.  But my point is not my pain or my complaints about my pain.  God is good. Even when things are not the way you want them to be.  Understand my back hurts.  I can’t do the things I want to do.  But it’s okay because I trust God.  I don’t understand always but I trust Jesus.  Now I also believe in the power of prayer.  And I pray.  Many have been praying for me.  And I greatly appreciate that.  Prayer is powerful, you can feel prayer. There is just no other way to describe it.   I remember when I was in the hospital with COVID, the only thing I remember clearly was feeling the love of so many praying for me.  It was like I knew who was doing right when it was happening.  IT was something I’d never experienced before.  But it was real.  I would feel it and think about someone, then moments later I’d get a text from that very person telling me they had been praying for me.  It’s powerful.  Never underestimate the power of prayer.

And God hears every prayer.  I’m very confident about this.  And I know He answers every prayer.  Now His answers are not always what we want but He answers every prayer. 

I pray for my family, my friends, the people I know in the Philippines my brothers and sisters, and especially you my kids in the Philippines. Hear my prayer for you and know I pray for some of you by name,  I look at your pictures and read your stories.  I care about you.  God loves you.

Let’s Pray.

Heavenly Father. You are awesome.  Hallowed be your name.  We are so thankful that you care about even us.  We know we don’t deserve it but you still love us.  Thank you.  Lord, I know you love these students. And you know I love them as well.  The world is a crazy and scary place Lord.  Please make yourself known to them Lord.  Reveal yourself to them in ways they can not miss.  I pray for each and every one of them Lord.  You know their names, you even know each hair on their heads.  You made each one exactly the perfect way you planned.  They are each beautifully and wonderfully made in your image.  I pray that they know and understand that Father.  I pray that they can find peace and joy and assurance, so they can face each day with a love for you Father.  I pray that they can avoid the temptations that steal that peace and joy.  I pray that they used their time wisely Lord. In their studies, at home and find time to learn more about you.  I know many are facing trials and troubles Lord, my heart aches with them.  I pray that you may make a way to lesson those burdens, if it is your will.  I know I can’t see the full picture, but you do.  We trust you Lord.  Your plan is always bigger and better than anything we can imagine.  Thank you for inviting us into your plan, the plan you have for each of us.  I pray that these student feel your love Lord.  I pray they feel they love from me and Judy and Joy and the many others who are praying for each of them. Thank you making a way for us to be close to you. You are our king, our master, and our Lord.  I pray these things in your name Lord Jesus. Amen.

Let me leave you with this.   If what you are facing seems impossible, please remember God cares for you.  God has plans for you and if you trust God you will experience an amazing complete peace that can only come from God.  Through Jesus we have a future hope that only Christians..

I am so glad we have this time together each month.  Don’t fear anything in this world.  Jesus is the king of this world and as such we should fear nothing.  I Love you and l am proud of you.  God’s Blessings. 

Until next time. I pray for Joy, Hope, Peace and Assurance from God for each of you. God bless.

Kip Wehrman, Th.D., Ph.D., P.E.

Managing Director

PUNLA Christian Ministries

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