May 2023 Update- Thorn in the Flesh

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Written by Kip Wehrman 05/30/2023

Episode 23Z05 May Student Update – Thorn in the Flesh

Hello my friends.  I hope everyone is back into the grind of school and doing well.

First, order of business.  Let’s Pray. 

This is probably the last update before some of you graduate.  Congratulations to all the graduates.  I am very proud of each of you.  We hope you will continue to communicate with us after graduation.  We want to hear about your jobs and life as you start on your professional journey.  Don’t get discouraged if it takes some time to get going.  It happens to most of us.  Job search is tough.  But for now, enjoy your accomplishment.  Congratulations.

All students, If you have not been receiving your stipends, check the google drive to see what requirement is missing.  Then get it submitted.  If the file shows you have submitted all requirements, but they are still not shown as accepted.  Then check them, you may have submitted the wrong file.  Just correct this.

Also, please only submit your requirements to the google drive.  DO NOT submit excuse letters where a requirement is supposed to be submitted.

Also, if you believe you have submitted all your requirements and attended church regularly, you still have not received your stipends.  Contact Joy or myself.  Tell us what is going on so we can see why this is happening.  We make mistakes, so please let us know if you think we have made a mistake.

Last, don’t forget to sign up for our YouTube channel is Punla Christian Ministries – YouTube.  Signup on our YouTube channel to follow our channel and select the notification bell so you will be notified when new content is posted.  Then watch the videos as they are posted. 

If you are having trouble viewing the videos because of poor internet connections, you also can download MP3 podcasts or PDF versions of every message on our website PUNLA Coffee Table – Jesus! Bible! Life! Let’s talk about it! (

Enough of business.

As I am writing this.  I’ve been unable to move well for two weeks.   Let me explain, I have a lower back problem. It stems from an old injury when I was in College playing football.  The last few weeks have been tough.   It hurts, I even have trouble getting out of bed or putting on clothes.  To say the least I’ve been praying about it.  The apostle Paul has something to say about this.

1 Corinthians 12:7b-10 (NKJ) Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

The message is Stop complaining.  God heard you.  And if it’s in God’s will, He will heal you and me.   But God also can use our weaknesses to show the world His power and glory.  Now I pray to be healed, but I know I can trust God.  I also need to remember Jesus suffered for me.  Way worse than what I am experiencing, and He did it for me and for you.  We often wish we had more, better, whatever’s.  None of those things are the most important thing.  Only Jesus.

Well, tomorrow I will go to the doctor to see what is wrong with my back and hopefully get a path forward that results in less pain.

I appreciate the prayers my friends. 

Let’s Pray. 

Let me leave you with this.   Life is going to have times when it hurts, when things don’t go the way we wish.  We pray and pray, and nothing seems to happen.  Don’t believe that though.  God hears every pray of His children and He answers every pray.  But remember God’s answer is His answer, not always the one we thought we wanted.  My life is full of prayers God did not answer the way I wanted him to at the time.  I’m very thankful God did it His way instead of mine.  I trust Jesus with everything.  I trust that my pain or hurt is just part of His plan for something amazing.

I am so glad we have this time together each month.  Don’t fear anything in this world.  Jesus is the king of this world and as such we should fear nothing.  I Love you and l am proud of you.  God’s Blessings. 

Until next time. I pray for Joy, Hope, Peace and Assurance from God for each of you.

God bless.

Kip Wehrman, Ph.D., P.E.

Managing Director

PUNLA Christian Ministries

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