Jesus & the Resurrection Session 9 – Part 4 of 4 (Apologetics 03/03/24)

Episode 24E09d– Session 9: Historical Jesus & the Resurrection (Part 4 of 4)

Resurrection of Jesus

(Transcript from Dr. Kip Wehrman 03/03/2024)

The Conspiracy Theory.  This one at least deserves our attention, unlike the others. There are two different conspiracy theories typically given  First, the switcheroo.  Somehow the Romans or the disciples switched Jesus with someone else.  And the other person was crucified not Jesus.  How and why is hard to imagine.  And then this does not explain the empty tomb.  So this seems very ridiculous.  The Romans had no reason to help Jesus, and the disciples would have had to prepared for this in advance.  Plus the Sanhedrin knew what Jesus looked like.  During the trial this conspiracy would have been exposed. And there was simply no other opportunity for this switcheroo to take place.  Impossible is the only conclusion.

The other conspiracy is actually talked about in the Bible. This is the concocted story conspiracy.  The Sanhedrin asked for the guard to be placed at the tomb to avoid this one.  They said they did not want the disciples to steal the body and then claim Jesus rose from the dead.  This was the only alternate theory in the 1st century, but how would a bunch of fisherman, tax collectors and the lot over power a Roman guard.  And the Romans did not hunt them down and kill them.   The over powered Roman guard lived to tell about it.  If I’m ambushing a superior force, I don’t leave them alive to tell the story.  The Roman guard actually said they were sleeping and did not see the disciples steal the body. If they were sleeping then they could not know who stole the body, this is what a concocted story looks like, logically false.

While this cannot be completely dismissed since it is in the Bible.  It does not explain the behavior changes in the disciples or the other embarrassing aspects of the Gospel accounts.

Enough of these alternative theories.  There is much much more but you get the point.  I want to discuss the three things I personally believe are the most compelling evidences for the resurrection.

  • Women
  • Witnesses
  • Willingness

Sorry I made these all “W” words.  You can remember it as the three Ws. The embarrassing details in the Bible story of the resurrection which includes the issue of having Women as the first witnesses.  Next is the witnesses and there are a lot of them.  The behavioral changes are remarkable, so why. And then their willingness to die for what they believed.

In case you don’t already know the Bible story is full of embarrassing details.  Details you would not include if you were making up a story. 

One we miss in our culture is the women’s witness.  In the 1st century women had a very low status.  In fact, they could not be a witness in a court of law because they were believed to be unreliable.   This is an embarrassing detail no 1st century man would include unless it was true.  In fact, even in the Bible you can see that the story began to be changed to conceal this embarrassing detail.  Paul in 1 Corinthians, leaves this detail out when talking about the resurrection.  Why, to avoid the awkwardness with the new Christians in a men dominated culture.  We just don’t think about it since in our culture we know women are equals if not superior to men is reliability.

What about Peter.  It is not a great demonstration of faith for the rock on which the church will be built Peter to deny Jesus 3 times before the cock crows.  Then he runs away crying like a baby.  He is no where to be seen during the trials of Jesus or the crucifixion.  This is an embarrassing details Peter would not want to invent about himself.  He is a rough and tough fisherman, crying like a baby and running away.  It’s in the account because it is true, not because it sounds good.

And there are other embarrassing details. Like the disciples scattering to their own homes.  Cowering in the city.  Doubting the women on resurrection morning.  These are not details you include unless they are true.  There were many witnesses that would have challenged the stories if they were not true.  Embarrassing yes, but true.

Another compelling evidence is the witnesses themselves.  They had drastic unexplainable behavioral changes.

The disciples went from cowards in the upper room to boldly proclaiming the good news of Jesus. 

The brothers of Jesus are another spectacular reversal of behavior.  From taunting Jesus and calling Him crazy to devout followers after the resurrection.  Only one thing can explain the change.  That would be a bodily resurrected Jesus meeting you face to face.

And what is probably the most well know conversion from Saul the oppressor to Paul the Apostle.  What can make someone abandon their conviction in an instant.  From someone with a future in the political and religious power structure to the most wanted and hated man in their culture.  Only a bodily resurrected Jesus meeting you face to face.

Belief in Jesus to die for.  Men will die for what they believe to be true whether it is true or false.  But they do not die for what they know to be false. 

The Apostles from coward to willing to be beaten, tortured, jailed and killed. 

Disciples like Stephen and others.  They knew Jesus.  They lived with Jesus.  Without the resurrection why would they die for a lie.  The only conclusion is the has risen indeed.

And the Christians that followed.  Willing to die for a belief.  The early Christians could talk with those that knew Jesus.  The apostles were not getting rich. They had nothing of value in this world but devoted their lives and deaths to Christ.  Generation after generation of Christian the same.  Even in the face of Romans savagery.

I mean look at the apostles.  These are not deaths you would chose unless it was true.  Jesus is Lord. He has resin.  That is the reason.

Let’s listen to Lee Strobel summarize the proofs for the resurrection.  (Video 2:30min)

I have to criticize Lee a bit. It is case for the resurrection, not Easter.  Resurrection Sunday is not Easter. 

Resurrection Sunday is the first Sunday after Passover which is always referred to as the “First Fruits Festival.”  Our Easter is not celebrated on the first Sunday after Passover, rather first Sunday after the Spring Equinox unless it’s a full moon then it is the next Sunday.

This was established in AD325 at the Council of Nicaea. Western Churches are celebrating Easter on March 31, 2024; while the Eastern Churches like the Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Coptic churches celebrate Easter on May 5th, 2024 which is based on the first Sunday after the full moon after Passover;  However Passover is April 22, 2024 making the Sunday after Passover or resurrection Sunday, April 28, 2024.

Sneak preview for next time.  Science & the Bible.  We will take this subject head on.  What is the best explanation.  Nothingness and mindless randomness or a creator.

Don’t forget if you do have questions you would like discussed email me at

Let’s close and pray. 

Thank you and God’s Blessing my friends.

This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 9: Historical Jesus & the Resurrection (Part 4 of 4)

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