Introduction & Plan 2024 (09/01/24) | “the way” series SY24 @ PUNLA CoffeeTable

Episode 24S34 PUNLA Greetings & Introduction (by Dr. Kip Wehrman, Judy Wehrman, & Joy Abitria)

HOMEWORK for next week:

  1. Read 1 Peter 3
  2. Read Psalm 34
  3. FOCUS 1 Peter 3:15

2024-2025SY Tentative Schedule

SEP01   Introduction & Plan

Sep01  Scholar Table (Q&A)

SEP08   Defending our Faith

SEP15   Worldview & You

SEP22   Story of the Bible 

SEP29   Bible Design Patterns 

OCT06 Bible Styles

Oct06   Scholar Table (Q&A)

OCT13 Reading the New Testament

OCT20 Bible Study Techniques DEMO

OCT27 Contextual Bible Study

Nov03  Scholar Table (Q&A)

NOV03 New Testament Overview & Gospel Mark Context

NOV10 Evid. Of God (Moral) / Mark Chapter 1

NOV17 Evid. Of God (Begin) / Mark Chapter 2

NOV24 Evid. Of God (Design) / Mark Chapter 3

DEC01  Evid. Of God (Life) / Mark Chapter 4

Dec08 Scholar Table (Q&A)

DEC08  Christmas Story (Part 1)

DEC15  Christmas Story (Part 2)

DEC22  Christmas Story (Part 3)

DEC29  New Beginnings

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