Let’s look at the argument about the “beginnings.” Or the Cosmological Argument.
This is a picture of a spiral galaxy named M101 much like the one we live in the Milky Way. This is beautiful. Astronomy is amazing. So how did it all begin. That is Cosmological Argument.
OBJECT LESSON- Beginnings Theories
Here are the most mainstream of the theories that have been held or are currently held by leading scientists.
The Big Bang which is the most commonly held view.
The eternal Universe or the Balance universe theory. This was once the most widely held view, but modern astronomy has all but ended this. Science simply does not support the eternal universe model.
The cyclic universe model. This is the idea that the universe is expanding and contracting in cycles we happen to be in an expanding part of the cycle. This is also not supported by science.
Another is the redefining time model. Stephen Hawkings was a Theoretical Physicist & Cosmologist, Nobel prize winning physicist. Devised this idea but Hawking himself says it doesn’t work. He actually thinks the big bang is correct.
Then you have the modern idea of the multiverse which is logically inconsistent at best.
So I’m going to use a box to represent the universe. All space, matter, and time is inside the box. Here are my five models
Big Bang
Eternal Universe in perfect balance

The Cyclic expanding and contracting balloon like universe
Time adjusting theories. All of these originate in the universe in some way.
Then the new one which seems to be out of the box. The multiverse boiling pot generator idea.
The time adjusting theories which Stephen Hawkings is often credited with presenting first. Hawkings has already admitted his idea was not possible. It simply does not work. There are many physicists that keep proposing this or modified version of this. Primarily all these theories say, time is not real. It is either construct of our minds, or we don’t physically exist. In all its forms, it is completely untestable and unobservable. These very smart people work very hard to event a concept that does not need God. They fail every time. Scientists tell us all the time that, “it is not reasonable or logical to believe in something we cannot see.” What about these imaginative theories which we cannot observe, have no evidence for, and cannot test. I read a recent paper on string theory. In it they said the theory could be proven using a particle accelerator. That piqued my interest, since I have a little experience with particle accelerators. Then they said the particle accelerator would need to be at least as large as the know universe. You can laugh now. Yet, they will say, but it can’t be God. We will just say no to this Sci-Fi proposal which is far beyond science, reason, or logic.
Balance universe model was the commonly held view in the ancient world but this is not supported by science. Ever heard of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Basically, the universe is always moving toward chaos. This means less useful energy. Definitely not balanced. Every once in a while this theory will be recycled as a new idea but the scientific method does not support this. It is not observed in nature or by the laws of physics. It is neither logical, reasonable or scientific.
Cyclic Universe model has been around for a while. This theory is of an eternal universe which is continually expanding then contracting, then expanding. It is also not supported by science. The expansion of the universe appears to be accelerating, not slowing down as this model requires. Again, the science, observation, logic and reason do not support this theory.
Now I have to tell you there are lots of other theories which are built upon either Einstein’s Relativity or Quantum Mechanics. Some people say time does not exist. What all these theories have in common is they can neither be tested nor observed. Which means they are not science but Science Fiction or merely blind faith. We have to remember that nonsense from the mouths of very smart people is still nonsense.
Some go so far to say time is only a construct of our minds and this theory says that there is a dimension in which everything exists at the same time for all time. It is starting to sound like God, doesn’t it. Existing at all times for all time. Omnipresence. I actually was just reading about a string theory variation that predicts 26 dimensions. Why 26? Only the one who imagined it could tell you. We can only perceive 4 dimensions 3 spatial and 1 time. No one has ever observed more than 4 dimensions except in Sci-Fi movies or novels.
So, what are we left with. Big Bang and multiverse.
The new flavor today is the multiverse theory. William Jones is credited with the idea in 1895, but Jones was talking about alternate possibilities in this life, not multiverse as it is thought today as multiple parallel universes. In fact, Marvel comics coined this idea in the 1963 in Avengers #185.
Faced with the reality of a 1st cause causer or big banger. Modern science has turned to the world of comic books.
Listen to Lawrence Krauss try to explain this idea of the Cobert show. (Video 7min ) So this is what Krauss said in his book, “a Universe from Nothing.”
“Physics has changed what we mean by nothing…empty space is a boiling, bubbling brew of virtual particles popping in and out of existence…if you wait long enough, that kind of nothing will always produce particles.” Did you see what he did.
Dr. Krauss your nothing has empty space, that’s not nothing.
Dr. Krauss your nothing already has matter or at least virtual ones.
Oh you have time also.
So, what Krauss is saying if you have space, time, and matter, you can make space, time, and matter. You cannot make this stuff up. Very smart people desperate for any imagination that means they don’t have to face the reality God exists.
So look again at our universe box. Bye-bye multiverse.
No reasonable person can believe any of these except maybe the last one.
Stephen Hawking a Nobel prize winning Theoretical Physicist & Cosmologist and Roger Penrose a Nobel prize winning mathematical Physicist & Philosopher. Both Atheists have said “Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a beginning at the Big Bang”
Alexander Vitenkin a Professor of Evolutionary Science and atheist said “With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past-eternal universe. There is now no escape, they have to face the problem of a cosmic beginning.”
In the beginning, the Big Bang. Most Christian Cosmologist would agree with this theory but if you have a Big Bang,
You need a Big Banger.
And what do we know about the big banger. It must be from outside the universe. Immaterial; Timeless & Spaceless. Extremely Powerful. This “big banger” made everything from nothing. Like that. Bang.
Here is our list of arguments for God. We have not even talked about the two most compelling arguments, which are the Moral Argument and Design Argument. Let’s look at Morality next.
This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 4: Evidence for God (Part 2 of 3)