Last time we talked about what happens when we die. We discovered that there are two options with God or without God. One place continually with God and all His goodness and beauty, the other outside of the presence of God without all His goodness. Without God is described as a place of torment. Now for the Choice.

You can be sure. So, what happens when we die? We all know that we are eventually going to die. Could be this hour or years from now. We don’t get to choose when or how we die. So, okay. We are going to die, but then what? What happens after we die?

I have an important question for you. Are you 100% confident you know what will happen when you die? What I mean are you sure you are going to heaven. Whether you are Christian or not, many have questions about this. My wife sees this a lot at her work in the hospital. Faced with death, most people desperately cling to this life as if they are scared or at least uncertain about what happens next. Is that you? It does not have to be. You can be sure. In this series, we are going to share our path in an effort to help you find that peace and assurance that God has promised all of us.

Stewardship. But stewardship of what? Well, everything.

Philippians 3:12-16 (Part 11) Straining Toward the Goal. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.

April 2022 PUNLA Students Update – Good Shepherd – Psalm 23

Philippians 3:1-11 (Part 10) Goal of Life. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.

Video from Partido Youth Camp held April 14-15, 2022 Held at Lolo Eyong’s Farm, San Rafael, Lagonoy, Camarines Sur, Philippines

Good Stewardship. Joy, Judy and Kip talk about Godly Stewardship.

I heard one of the pastors I listen to on YouTube say this, the “Soap Ad Gospel”. Then he followed up by saying it’s like our version of the Gospel is all about what we get. Join me as we explore this concept.