Join me as we discuss how we infer to reach the doctrine of “the Church Age”

Kids @ the PUNLA Coffee Table presents Women of the Bible – Deborah. The kids learn about how God can use anyone for His plan in the story of Deborah.

Philippians 4:4-7 (Part 14) Peace. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.

Listen to the PUNLA Partners RoundTable discussion of John Chapter 4.

I have to speak about Christian leaders, enriching them selves from donations to their causes or charities. I am just a extremely sadden at what I have found.

Philippians 4:1-3 (Part 13) Unity. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.

Last time we talked about the choice we all have to make. We discovered that there are two options with God or without God. Now the good part. If you choose Jesus, He gives us guidance so we can live better lives right now. A full and satisfying life right where you are. Exactly where God wants you to be.

During this series we have talked about the fact we are all going to die. There is a choice we have to make in this life, Jesus or not Jesus. Not making a choice is really choosing not Jesus. There are no other options. Following Jesus is great though. He is a good master, who helps us make better decisions, helps us to manage our burdens and worries. A better way of living. The best most satisfying life now. And He gives us Peace, Joy, Hope and Assurance.

Today we are discussing Altar. Why do Christian Churches have Altars and why the colored clothes.

Philippians 3:17-21 (Part 12) Our Citizenship in Heaven. In this