Prophecy? I’ll be honest I don’t really like studying eschatology or end-times theology. But here we are. I have felt urged to look and study in recent years. I’m trying to be obedient and study the word of God as Jesus wants me to, not as I would like to do it. What is prophecy in the Bible?

Philippians 4:20-23 (Part 17) Blessing. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.

Today I want to talk about Archangels. I have heard a lot about this growing up and I was excited to dig into the Bible and discover what and who is an Archangel.

Join me as we explore 70 weeks of Daniel Chapter 9 from a different perspective.

Epistles. Do you know what it means? Well, the term Epistles is nothing more than letters. Most of the New Testament in our bibles are epistles. In fact, the only books in the New Testament that aren’t epistles are the 4 gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the Acts of the Apostles. All the rest are letters.

Okay, rant. Rant is defined as speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way. Another word is tirade. So, I’m going to speak in a impassioned quotes. Why do pastors and Christian teachers use so many quotations from other people in their messages? Isn’t the Bible enough? It should be. We don’t need other authorities when we have God and His Bible.

Join me as we discuss how we infer to reach the doctrine of the “Rapture”

Philippians 4:10-19 (Part 16) Generosity…. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.

May 2022 PUNLA Students Update – Help My Unbelief – Mark 9:14-27

Philippians 4:8-9 (Part 15) Meditate on… In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.