James 3:1-12 (Part 6) the Tongue. In this study we will explore this letter from James in the Bible.

Join me as we explore Daniel 2 from different perspectives.

Once Saved, Always Saved? I’m sure if you are a Christian you’ve heard this phrase. But the question I was asked was, “Is this doctrine Biblical”?
Today, we are going to review the Bible scriptures most scholars reference that support this doctrine. As, we dig into the scriptures together, we will ask ourselves two questions.

James 2:14-26 (Part 5) Faith & Works. In this study we will explore this letter from James in the Bible.

Join me as we explore 1 Thessalonians rapture and Day of the Lord verses from a different perspective.

Once Saved, Always Saved? I’m sure if you are a Christian you’ve heard this phrase. But the question I was asked was, “Is this doctrine Biblical”?

James 1:19-27 (Part 3) Doers. In this study we will explore this letter from James in the Bible.

Listen to the PUNLA Partners RoundTable discussion of John Chapter 6.

Join me as we explore Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple in Matthew 24 from a different perspective.

James 1:19-27 (Part 3) Doers. In this study we will explore this letter from James in the Bible.