December 2023 Student Update – Frustration

23Z12 December Student Update

Hello my friends.  I want to apologize.  I have been off the air since we returned from the Philippines.

Our family has been dealing with a series of illnesses since then.  My cough and lungs are finally feeling well.  Today is my first time back on the air in nearly two months.

Enough of that.  I think God just wanted me to have a break.  God is good.  I will be catching up on email.

First, order of business.  Let’s Pray. 

Every First Saturday morning we will have our monthly virtual meeting the Scholar’s Table.  I know I forgot to send out a reminder this month.  So, no one showed up for the meeting.  My fault.

I will be sending out a reminder each month with a topic or Bible verse that we will be discussing.

Please take advantage of this opportunity.  It is an excellent opportunity to practice your English skills for future jobs.

In January we will be discussing Psalm 121.  I know some of you don’t have Bibles.  I will send you the scripture in email before the meeting in my reminder.  If you have a smart phone.  I suggest adding one of the apps which allow you to read the Bible ofline.

I like YouVersion because it has several translations and audio bible so you can listen as well as read.  I also really like the Tagalog Contemporary Bible (And Salita ng Dios) if you search of these you can find an app.  I like or

I will be starting a Bible study of Hebrews specifically for you starting in January.  We will be reading and studying one chapter per week.  Please send me questions and comments as we walk through the book of Hebrews during second semester.

Please take the time and watch these videos they are prepared for you.  Check your email at least one time per week. 

If you have any questions about faith or life, send me the questions to  This is completely confidential, I will not share your name, only your question.

I need everyone to sign up for our YouTube channel is Punla Christian Ministries – YouTube.  This is a requirement of our program.  You need to sign up on our YouTube channel to follow our channel and select the notification bell so you will be notified when new content is posted.  Then you need to watch the videos or listen to the podcasts as they are posted. 

If you are having trouble viewing the videos because of poor internet connections, you also can download MP3 podcasts or PDF versions of every message on our website PUNLA Coffee Table – Jesus! Bible! Life! Let’s talk about it! (

Enough of business.

I’m not going to do a formal Bible study like we normally do this month.  I want to just talk for a few moments with you.  Frustration.  I don’t know about you but I get frustrated.  Like I said earlier, I’ve had a cough and respiratory problem.  So, I have not been able to do my podcasts.  That has been frustrating.   I have classes I’m developing.  A couple books I’m writing.  It’s not been going smoothly like I want it to.  So I get frustrated.  Life happens, we get interrupted. We get annoyed.  But why?

Listen to this quote from C.S. Lewis author of Narnia and mere Christianity.  “The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one’s ‘own,’ or ‘real’ life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one’s real life — the life God is sending one day by day.” — C.S.  Lewis

Everything that happens is our life.  God sends us events and experiences; we have to choose to embrace them as either learning or loving opportunities.   As a follower of Jesus, we can learn from  any and every situation we face.  We also need to be mindful of the times others need us.  Those are the loving moments when we are able to give our time in order to love others the way Jesus loves them.  Giving of our time is a sacrifice we can make to our Lord.

Now I’m not telling you to be easily distracted from the tasks you need to do.  You need to focus on your school, your job, your specific task.   But we also need to recognize when we get interrupted, we need to evaluate and pray if this is a moment we need to embrace.   As C.S. Lewis so perfectly said. Interruptions are our life.

I hope this helped someone.

Let’s Pray.

Heavenly Father.  You my God are amazing. You are awesome.  I’m so thankful  that I can talk with you Lord, hear from Lord.  Be guided by you Lord.  I know I need you in every situration of my life.  I can do nothing good without you.

We are so thankful that you care about us.  We know we don’t deserve it yet you still love us.  Thank you.  Lord, I know you love these students. Help them to feel your love and understand that we love them as well.  The world is a scary and often confusing.  But we trust you Lord.  Please make yourself known to them Lord.  Reveal yourself to them in ways they cannot miss.  I pray for each and every one of them Lord.   I know each student has things they are struggling with school, family.   I know you know Lord.  Give them the strength and courage to face every situation.

I pray that they can find peace and joy and assurance, so they can face each day with a love for you Father.  I pray that they can avoid the temptations that steal that peace and joy.  I pray that they use their time wisely Lord. In their studies, at home and find time to learn more about you. 

We trust you Lord.  Your plan is always bigger and better than anything we can imagine.  Thank you for inviting us into your plan, the plan you have for each of us.  I pray that these students can feel your love Lord.  Thank you making a way for us to be close to you. You are our king, our master, and our Lord.  I pray these things in your name Lord Jesus. Amen.

Let me leave you with this.   Managing our time is something everyone struggles with.  Life happens.  Interruptions to our plans will happen.  Trust God.  Do the next right thing Jesus is urging you to do and trust Him with everything else..

Managing Director

PUNLA Christian Ministries

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