Every churchgoer has something they question or don’t understand. Typically, we toss these issues and ideas into what I figuratively refer to as the “junk drawer” of the “I don’t knows” of our faith. However, the common problem is the “junk drawer” gets fuller and fuller until it starts spilling out, and affecting our confidence and security in our faith. If we make no attempt to address these concerns and questions, then the eventual outcomes are either rejection or apathy. Church, we have a Problem.

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Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God more than any other topic. Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God more than any other topic. There are more than four hundred (400) occurrences of Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven in the New Testament alone. But what is the Kingdom of God? Over the next few sessions, we are going to dig into the Bible to if we can determine what, where, when and how Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God.

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