January 2022 PUNLA Students Update
Author: Kip

1st Peter 5:6-11 (Part 17) Serve God Willingly. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible for the Apostle Peter.

Kids @ the PUNLA Coffee Table presents Bible Heroes – Noah. The kids learn about how God wants us to trust Him even when people make fun of us. Genesis 6-9

Have you ever been listening to someone and just shook your head in frustration or disgust at what they were saying? You probably don’t have to try hard to find an example these days. Just turn on the TV or radio, we have plenty to make us shake our heads.

1st Peter 5:1-5 (Part 16) the Flock of God.

A Partners RoundTable discussion of John Chapter 1.

Even if you have been a Christian for a long time, there are some things in the bible and in the traditions of the modern church that are tough to understand. In this series we are going to ask these “tough questions” and then do the research to see if we can find or develop a better understanding for these “tough questions”.

Today we are discussing 1st Peter 3:19 which says Jesus preached to the spirits from the time of Noah. What is this all about?

There is a very peculiar story about a Roman Centurion Cornelius and Peter in Acts 10:1 thru 11:18. This story is so amazing I think a closer look is overdue for most of us.

1st Peter 4:12-19 (Part 15) Suffering Christian. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible for the Apostle Peter.