Highlights from the 2021 Winter Youth Camp December 27-28,2021 in
Author: Kip

Let me introduce you to PUNLA Coffee Table Hero – Dallas Willard.

Philippians 1:3-11(Part 2) Thanksgiving. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible for the Apostle Paul.

Listen to the PUNLA Partners RoundTable discussion of John Chapter 2.

I want to share PUNLA BackStory about our Bright Futures & Health-Harvest-Hope Missions. As God shaped our plans to be in line with His Bigger, Better Plan.

Philippians 1:1-2(Part 1) Greeting. In this study we will explore

Today we are discussing John 3:5. What did Jesus means when he said we needed to be born twice once of water and once of the Spirit?

Deuteronomy 14:21 (NKJV) You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.? What is this all about?

1st Peter 5:12-14 (Part 18) Greeting. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible for the Apostle Peter.

Today we are discussing the name change of Saul the accuser to Paul the Apostle. What really happened? Who changed Paul’s name?