Judy speaks to the Ladies Fellowship Event on March 26, 2022 at Bayanihan Sipocot Bible Baptist Church. The Ladies Fellowship event theme was Matthew 7:1-5 Judgment vs. Spiritual Discernment.
Author: Kip

Philippians 2:12-18 (Part 8) Stop Grumbling. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible from the Apostle Paul.

March 2022 PUNLA Students Update – Bless your Enemies –

Philippians 2:5-11 (Part 7) the Attitude of Christ. In this

I’m a scientist and engineer and in my profession, we

Today we are discussing I AM. Did Jesus claim to be God?

Philippians 2:1-4 (Part 6) Unity thru Humility. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible for the Apostle Paul.

Listen to the PUNLA Partners RoundTable discussion of John Chapter 3.

Serving God means loving people. Loving people means doing what is right in God’s sight regardless of how other people see it. Be kind when they need kindness. Serve when they need service. Correct when they need instruction or rebuke. And help when what is truly needed is help. What an honor to serve God and be part of His Bigger, Better story.