PUNLA Partners RoundTable as discussion of the Gospel of John
Author: Kip

Mark 3:13-35 (Part 7). The 12 disciples are chosen, Jesus teaches about a house divided cannot stand, unforgiveable sin, Jesus mother and brothers visit. In this study we will explore what was perhaps the first written account of the life of Jesus, the gospel of Mark.

Video from Partido Youth Camp Revival held Sept. 14-16, 2022

In Today’s conversation we will discuss Success. Success. What is Success? What does it mean to be successful? Truly, no two people will have exactly the same answer to these questions. So, I’m not going to define it for you. You need to do that for yourself. But I’d like to give you some proven advice that can help you reach your version of success.

Mark 3:1-12 (Part 6). Jesus heals on the Sabbath. In this study we will explore what was perhaps the first written account of the life of Jesus, the gospel of Mark.

Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God more than any other topic. But what is the Kingdom of God? We are going to dig into the Bible to if we can determine what, where, when and how Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God.
Today we are reviewing how Jesus defined the kingdom of God in the Gospel of Mark.

Mark 2:14-28 (Part 5). Matthew becomes a disciple, Jesus teaches about sabbath, new and old things. In this study we will explore what was perhaps the first written account of the life of Jesus, the gospel of Mark.

September 2022 PUNLA Students Update – Be Still

Mark 2:1-13 (Part 4). Healing of the paralytic, Jesus teaches at the seaside. In this study we will explore what was perhaps the first written account of the life of Jesus, the gospel of Mark.

Today we are reviewing what we have discovered as we studied the parables of Jesus. What, when and where does Jesus mean the Kingdom of God is like…?