We have surveyed the Bible to see the, what, where and when of the kingdom of God as it was used int he Bible. What we found is exactly what we should have always known. The kingdom of God is everything, everywhere, everywhen.
Author: Kip

We have surveyed the Gospels and the Apostle Paul. Today I wanted to look at other New Testament and Old Testament scriptures about the kingdom of God.

Today we are looking at passages from the gospel of John and Luke. What is the kingdom of God according to Jesus in the Bible

Mark 4:21-41 (Part 9) The parables of the seed, mustard

Today we are looking at passages from the gospel of John and Luke. What is the kingdom of God according to Jesus in the Bible.

I see dead people. Okay. I don’t really see dead people. I just wanted to have a little fun today on Ol’ Hallow’s Eve or Halloween. Or what most of the world calls All Saints Eve. Please don’t take what I say today too seriously, Please. Anyway, I was reading my bible recently and it hit me, the Zombie Apocalypse was first written about in the Bible.

October 2022 PUNLA Students Update – Harmony

What is the Kingdom of God? We have been going looking at the Bible to determine what, where, when and how Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God.

Mark 4:1-20 (Part 8). The parable of the Sower & Soils. In this study we will explore what was perhaps the first written account of the life of Jesus, the gospel of Mark.

Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God more than any other topic. But what is the Kingdom of God? We are going to dig into the Bible to if we can determine what, where, when and how Jesus was talking about the Kingdom of God.