Bible Design Patterns (09/29/24) | “the way” series SY24 @ PUNLA CoffeeTable

Episode 24S38 Bible Design Patterns ( 09/29/2024 written by Dr. Kip Wehrman)

I hope you are doing well today.  I hope you read your homework. 

Did you define Wisdom?  What is wisdom?   Wisdom is actually a word we should know from our experiences.  We say things like they choose wisely or wise choice.  When we know something or have knowledge about something and we use that knowledge to make a good decision.  We act wisely.  Wisdom is the action of using knowledge.  I say it is way, wisdom is knowledge is action.  Working knowledge.

Knowledge is actually useless if we don’t use it to make better decisions.  The wisdom of the Bible is the same way.  IF we learn things from the Bible but THEN we don’t use that knowledge to make better decisions, then we are not acting wisely. Wisdom is knowledge in action.  But how do we do this.

Let’s read our proverbs starting in proverbs 9. 

But before we read, we should always think about the context,

First the proverbs in the bible are a collection of wise sayings mostly from Solomon who was considered to be the wisest person to ever live.  But he still made bad decisions.  So, he had great knowledge of wisdom but did not use it in his own life. i

Proverbs 9:10-12(NIV) 10The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 11For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. 12If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.

Proverbs 3:5-6(NIV) 5Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

These two proverbs frame a picture of what true wisdom is.   First “fear the Lord”.  This is not scared or frightened but this is us recognizing that God is God and we are not.  God is in charge of everything including us. We need to revere God. God has the power to do whatever He wants, we need to fear that or put another way respect that.  That is the start of all real wisdom and knowledge.  The second Proverb, reminds us that our understanding is limited. If we rely only on ourselves we will fail but if we rely on God and submit our lives to God.  That means God’s in charge (that’s God’s wisdom remember) then God can direct our paths or steps in the best way to go.  God’s wisdom is the only wisdom.  Our understanding can be false, but God’s is always right.

Let’s Pray. 

So the Bible is designed to helps us discover the wisdom of God.  

Today we are going to learn how to read Bible narratives.  The Bible stories are like any other story.  In order to understand any story we need to understand the way the story to written.  Things like Plot, character description, setting and other design patterns.

First Bible Plot?   Play VIDEO Bible Project Plot (5m)

Most stories follow a plot pattern.  Intro, Conflict, escalation leading to a climax. Then a resolution and conclusion.  The examples Tim and John used are great for illustrating the need to get the full context before you start drawing conclusions.

Understanding God’s big “Plotline” for the whole Bible is important to keep from misinterpreting stories or verses.  Once we understand the big picture, then understanding the more detailed stories is easier.  God used very flawed people in every Bible story.  I’m flawed, so that means God can use me. If I surrender control of my life to God, then he can guide me and use me for His great purposed.  Remember our Proverb.  God will make our paths straight.

Next how should we understand the Bible Characters?   Play VIDEO BibleProject -Character in the Biblical Narative  (5m)

So what is a name?  Well in the Bible a name is more than just a name.  the name is conveying a behavior or character trait that is important to the story.

Abraham means father of a multitude.  He is going to be the father of nations. And Abraham became the father of nations.  Israel, Edom, most Muslims trace their linage to Abraham.  Father of nations

Jacob the deceiver.  In the story Jacob is exactly that, until God changes his name to Israel meaning people of God.  Which is what Jacob’s descendants became the nation of Israel the people of God.

Ruth’s name means refreshment.  This is the character that Ruth exhibits thoroughout her story in the Book of Ruth.

King Saul.  Saul means the one asked for.  The people of Israel wanted a king and they got what they asked for Saul. And Saul was all the bad things God warned them he would be.  But they still asked for it.

The Bible authors do not give us a lot of details but the details we are given are meant to tell us something about the behavior or flaws of the character.  Anytime you come across of name in the Bible, it is worth the effort finding out what that name means. Especially the prophets of the old testament.

Next we need to pay attention to the setting of the Bible stories.  Especially if that place or situation has happened before in the Bible narratives.   Play VIDEO  BibleProject Setting in Biblical Narratives (5m)

See how locations, description of situation can invoke emotion in the reader.  God’s stories in the Bible do this on so many levels.  God is the master story teller. And we are supposed to immerse ourselves in the stories.  This is also why the Bible stories are easy to remember.  The more of these details you learn about the story, the easier that story will be to remember and understand.

Last part of learning how to read the Bible narratives is recognizing how all these design aspects fit together and how there are many design patterns to the stories themselves which is preparing us for later stories and eventually the arrival of Jesus. 

How do we learn to see the design patterns ?   Play VIDEO  BibleProject Design Patterns in the Biblical Narratives(5m)

I know this might seem difficult but it takes some effort.  But there is good news. 

There are many resources, like the BibleProject that can help us recognize and understand the complexity of the Bible design which will help us to better understand the Bible and the individual stories in the Bible.

Don’t forget if you do have questions, you would like discussed email me at

Let’s close and pray. 

Let me leave you with this. Don’t let the complexity of the Bible intimidate you.  It is designed by God for you to understand and remember.  But it takes time and effort.  But I can promise you that it is worth the effort.  When we work to understand the Bible, the stories come alive to us.  We will find application for these stories in our lives.  We can see how our bad choices will turn out and more importantly learn to make better choices.  We learn that helping others is not always easy but it is very rewarding.  God knows what’s best.

Don’t try to learn or apply everything we are talking about all at once.  Find the part that you can do and try it.  Then over time keep adding more and more of these techniques.  The Bible should not intimidate us.  It is a great gift from God to show us the best way to live our lives and know God. 

One last thing. You are all in school and trying to gain knowledge.  I get it. But what you really need is wisdom.  That is applied knowledge.  Book smarts are good but wisdom is better.  The Bible can teach us how to take knowledge and apply it correctly in our lives which results in wisdom. 

I have seen that when I understand God’s ways, everything else just seems to work better.  That is at my job, in school, with my family, friends, with people I don’t like.  It all works better when I rely on God and the wisdom He freely gives.  Living my life for Jesus in everything I do, is the best most satisfying life you can live.

Remember If you want to see any of these videos again, go to and look under the watch tab for How to read the Bible series.

Don’t forget to do your homework for next week.  Read Ephesians Chapter 2 with a focus on Eph. 2:8-9, and Define Grace.  See you next week. Thank you and God’s Blessings

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