How to Defend your Faith-Apologetics Session 1 : Part 4 of 4 (Apologetics 01/07/24)

Episode 24E01d – How to Defend your Faith – Apologetics Session 1 (Part 4 of 4)

Transcript from Dr. Kip Wehrman 01/07/2024

Please watch this video short clip that demonstrates the power of questions when confronted by a hostile skeptic or criticism.  The VIDEO is of a Canadian politician using the art of questions to disarm a critic’s trap(s). 

Please don’t let your personal politics affect you as you watch.  Instead, see how questions are disarming.  You do not have to defend every accusation.  Make the accuser define their arguments.  When we rush to answer, we are playing by their rules.  Wait all the way to the end to see what I mean

Did you see how nonaggressive questions are.  But instead of engaging in the name calling.  Questions allow us to cut through all the posturing to the real question the other person has.  Don’t look for a, ”I got you moment” instead allow the other person to realize they are making emotional or antagonistic comments and help them to resolve back to the basic or core of the issue.  Then you can provide your perspective from an equal position instead of defensive position.  It’s not offensive, it is fact finding or fact reveling.

Our goal is to change the trajectory of their lives and shift them back in the direction of Jesus.  It is not going to be a one and done.  It is a commitment to invest in people.  That is time, energy, money, comfort, leisure.  You have to give whatever God is requiring you to give, in order to make a difference in the life of the person standing in front of you.

You may or may not know Voddie Baucham.  He is a local Houston product.  But listen to what he says about defending our faith in this short video clip. 

I only need to know my worldview completely. I do not have to defend what I don’t believe.  Don’t take on responsibility you don’t have.  Be prepared to communicate what you believe in a relatable way. Focus on what I believe and why I believe it.  Not what others say about our faith.  Step 1 is Listen. Top priority. Step 2  Listen.  Step 3 Listen.  Do you get my point?.  Let them tell you what they know and believe.  Learn to ask questions.  Don’t defend views you don’t hold.  Don’t defend against views they don’t believe either.  We only need to defend our worldview.  Effective communication begins with listening.  We take advantage of the specifics that God has given us.  That is our profession or from your former worldviews.  God has positioned you perfectly.  Now get prepared.  The great thing is this reduces the number of questions they can ask you.  Just about my hope and what is in the Bible.  If they ask you something else.  Well, you do not have to defend what you don’t believe.  Keep the burden of proof on the those who challenge you.

I want to give you a couple glimpses of what a properly defined worldview and educated plan can prepare you for. 

5min video

Probably the biggest lie of our time is that science has explained everything.  There is no need for God.  Please watch this video clip, from a 1998 William Land Craig debate with atheist Dr. Peter Atkins followed by comments by JP Moreland. 

William Lane Craig and JP Moreland.  That’s how you shutdown false claims with their own failed logic.  The thing is most people that throw these statements out are not heavy hitters.  They have heard the talking points and slogans but have nothing to back it up with.  So, kindly and gently ask the questions and let them bury themselves in their own assertions.  JP Moreland did not debate and defend his position.  He simply used the logic and failed reasoning to completely tear down the argument.  And typically, they will run away.  But sometimes they will go, oh yeah.  Then you have them ready to hear your side of the story.

So does Science explain everything.  Of course not.  Science collects data or effects and then scientists search for the causes of those effects.  That’s it.  Science does not explain anything.  Science does not say anything.  But scientists do.  But what they say is not truth just because they have a bunch of degrees.  I have two doctorates, a PhD in Chemical Engineering and ThD in Christian Apologetics.  But don’t take my word for it.  Test what I say, and if it’s true.  It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Jesus.

Going back to the list William Lane Craig gave us.  Math & logic.  Can science explain math & logic? Well no.  without math and logic and all the constant natural laws science would not even be possible.  But science does not explain where any of this came from.  All science can do is interpret the data using the unseen constants which make it possible.  Science cannot explain Math & Logic and the other orderly fine tuning of the universe.  Science cannot explain any metaphysical things. Our mind, existence, our perceptions of the world around us, our perceptions of things we can’t see.  Science needs these things but it cannot explain any of them.  Science cannot explain aesthetics or beauty.  Every human has a since of beauty.  It may differ slightly but the fact we recognize something as ugly or beautiful is beyond any explanation Science can give.  What about Ethics or moral law.  This is not empirical. It’s more than data. It is far beyond the boundaries of what science can even measure, let alone explain.  And then there is science itself.  If science can explain itself then science is somehow independent and separate from itself.  And we will expand more on this topic in future sessions.

Next time….Worldview & You

Don’t forget if you do have questions you would like discussed email me at

Let’s listen or sing along with the song to close our session .Stay Strong by Danny Gokey (Video Link)

Let’s close and pray. 

Thank you and God’s Blessing my friends.

This is the end of How to Defend your Faith Session 1: Apologetics (Part 4 of 4)

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