April Student Update – He is Resin
Month: April 2023

PUNLA Partners RoundTable as discussion of the Gospel of John Chapter 11. Pastors Partners in both USA and Philippines discuss John Chapter 11

Chapter 2.3 – “Roadside Assistance” AAA (Angels Actively Assisting) Miracle

Mark 12:1-17 (Part 27); Tenants Parable, Caesar’s Tax.

Every churchgoer has something they question or don’t understand. Typically, we toss these issues and ideas into what I figuratively refer to as the “junk drawer” of the “I don’t knows” of our faith. However, the common problem is the “junk drawer” gets fuller and fuller until it starts spilling out, and affecting our confidence and security in our faith. If we make no attempt to address these concerns and questions, then the eventual outcomes are either rejection or apathy. Church, we have a Problem.

I would like to share with you a book by Nancy Pearcey “Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity”.

Mark 11:1-14 (Part 26); Cleansing the Temple, Teaching about Faith and Forgiveness. In this study we will explore what was perhaps the first written account of the life of Jesus, the gospel of Mark

Holy week. If you have grown up in the church or attend regularly today, then you know
the Holy week events. Beginning with Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy
Thursday, Good Friday, ending with Easter Sunday or what I prefer to call Resurrection
But is this really the Holy Week of the Bible?

Mark 11:1-14 (Part 26); Palm Sunday, Fig Tree.
In this study we will explore what was perhaps the first written account of the life of Jesus, the gospel of Mark.

I would like to share one of our family’s traditions. it’s all about remembering what Jesus did for us. (Part 4: Step 6-9)