Listen to the PUNLA Partners RoundTable discussion of John Chapter 3.
Month: March 2022
Serving God means loving people. Loving people means doing what is right in God’s sight regardless of how other people see it. Be kind when they need kindness. Serve when they need service. Correct when they need instruction or rebuke. And help when what is truly needed is help. What an honor to serve God and be part of His Bigger, Better story.
Philippians (Part 2) 1:19-26 to Live is Christ. In this study we will explore one of the letters in the Bible of the Apostle Paul. Philippians
What do you value most? Jesus is trying to teach us what is really the most important. the Kingdom of God. Don’t miss it.!
Kids @ the PUNLA Coffee Table presents Bible Heroes – David & Golith. The kids learn about Trusting God with the story of David & Golith. The world seeing small and weak, but God can do big things with small things.
Joy, Judy and Kip are discussing the Truncated Gospel. What is the Truncated Gospel? And why does it seem the modern church ignores what Jesus said the Gospel was all about.
Joy, Judy and Kip are discussing what it means to be faithful and true when we serve God. How do we serve God? What does it look like to serve God.? I hope you will enjoy our Chat about Serving God