Episode 24A02 Two Masters (Matthew 6:24)

(Written by Dr. Kip Wehrman 02/01/2024)

Hello my friends.  Thanks for joining me today @ the PUNLA coffee table. 

We are going to be discussing Matthew 6:24 which is often called the “2 Masters” scripture.

Matthew 6:24 (KJV) No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

For our discussion.  I want everyone to read and study the context of this verse.  This is part of the sermon on the mount starting in Matthew 5-7.

At minimum reading should include Matthew 6:19-34. 

Key verse is Matthew 6:33 (KJV) But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 

(ASND) Kaya unahin ninyo ang mapabilang sa kaharian ng Dios at ang pagsunod sa kanyang kalooban, at ibibigay niya ang lahat ng pangangailangan ninyo.

Seek is translated from the Greek word “zéteó” meaning to seek or to desire.

We must desire God’s Kingdom and justice above all other things.  This is about priorities.  The big question is how do we seek or desire God’s Kingdom.  Simple answer is “in everything that we do” not just the so-called ministry things.  No God says all things and I believe God means “all things.”

Paul says in Colossians 3:22-25 (KJV)

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

Here some easier to understand English in the NIV Bible.  

23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

The Tagalog Contemporary Bible is also excellent (ASND)

23Anuman ang gawin nʼyo, gawin nʼyo ito nang buong katapatan na parang ang Panginoon ang pinaglilingkuran nʼyo at hindi ang tao. 24Alam naman ninyong may gantimpala kayong matatanggap sa Panginoon, dahil si Cristo na Panginoon natin ang siyang pinaglilingkuran ninyo.

Everything we do, which means everything of course.

Other scriptures to consider in preparation;

1 Timothy 6:10 “love of money”

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12, Genesis 3:19  “don’t work, don’t eat”

Ephesians 4:28 “work so you have something to share”

Luke 10:7 “worker deserves his wages”

1 Thessalonians 2:9 “work not to be burden to others”

Ecclesiastes 2:24

Acts 18:3 “Paul tent making”

First, there is nothing in the Bible that precludes Christians from having a job outside of the church.  The Bible encourages people to work.  We seek God’s Kingdom at our workplaces, schools, stores, homes and in our churches.

Second, church jobs are not the highest calling.  Not everyone is called to be a preacher or evangelist or bible teacher, nor should just anyone be a preacher.  The preacher is not above his flock but an integral part of the body of Christ.  As leaders in the body of Christ, we are to guide and feed God’s sheep, not be their ruler or authority.  Jesus alone is the good shepherd.  Jesus is the head of the church and His word is our ultimate authority.  We need to encourage our people to work, but work as Christians wherever they work.  

This is a failure in the Church today, especially in America.  Pastors often make it sound like the only way to truly serve God is in full-time ministry, yet these same pastors depend on the members they have just insulted to provide the offerings from those jobs to pay their salaries.    

There are many different parts to the “Body of Christ,” to disparage anyone’s importance or service is sinful. 

The problem we see in many places we work and visit is that able bodied people who could have professional jobs are convinced to abandon their professions for full-time ministry.  This is simply a poor stewardship of God’s gifts in most cases.  If God has gifted you the ability to make money, then you are insulting God to reject His gifts.  See Ephesians 4:28, where Paul is telling us that working is good so that we may have something to share with others.  This is the heart of PUNLA Christian Ministries.  If we did not work at our professional jobs, then PUNLA  would have nothing to share with you.  If your members do not work jobs outside of the church, then they have nothing to share with the church.

We have seen several of our students expressing guilt for wanting to get jobs instead of volunteering in the church for such things as church schools.  Shame on us for giving people this misconception of priorities.  Righteousness means doing what is right in the eyes of God not man.  If God has given you skills & education, then you should use them.   Working as to the Lord in whatever career God leads you with whatever skills and education God has gifted you with.  As pastors and ministry leaders, we must resist elevating one type of job over another, or working in the church over working at jobs outside of the church.  Working for employers outside of the church is not “serving two masters.”  God is my master, yet I work professionally as an engineer.  I am paid by many companies, but only God is my master and my ultimate authority.  Money or wealth is but a tool in God’s kingdom.  It is the “love of wealth” that can become a second master, not the wealth or money itself and certainly not the job. 

We must be very careful not to elevate the church and church jobs which may in themselves then become the 2nd master instead of God.  Not everything done in the church or for the church is growing the Kingdom of God.  Not everything done in the church or for the church is right in the eyes of God.  That does not make them bad or wrong, but worldly and human.  We must not allow the church to become the “mammon” that distracts us from God’s plan.  We must stay focused on God’s bigger and better plan for us and all of God’s people.

Thank you for joining me today @ the PUNLA CoffeeTable.  If you liked the message, please share a link with a friend.  You can contact me at kip@punla.org if you have comments or questions.  So, until next time @ the PUNLA CoffeeTable.  God bless.

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